6 Best AI Writers or Text Generators Used By Writers

An AI writer refers to software utilizing artificial intelligence to anticipate text based on provided input. These writers demonstrate proficiency in crafting marketing copy, landing pages, blog topic ideas, slogans, brand names, lyrics, and even complete blog posts. Initial reservations about embracing this innovation dwindled as individuals had the chance to experience it firsthand. This innovation has reshaped how individuals experience life, engage in work, and approach thinking. Recently, AI technology has gained prominence in the content writing sector, witnessing a surge in the popularity of AI writers. While these writers still need to become proficient in producing content of the same standard as human writing, they still excel at rapidly generating error-free content.

With that, we highlight six of the most used AI writing tools. Each writer underwent evaluation against specific criteria, receiving an overall rating in various categories. Thus, without further ado, let’s get into the offerings of these platforms for their non-paying users to enjoy.

Free AI Writer

Part 1. Can You Actually Use AI Writer to Generate Content?

The precise answer is yes. AI writers operate using advanced natural language processing algorithms and machine learning techniques and produce a wide range of content needed in AI writing. To do so, you generally just need to prompt to outline the topic, and then such an AI tool generates text in response to your input. It's crucial to review and edit the generated content to ensure it aligns with your preferences, style, and accuracy standards.

Part 2. 6 Best Free AI Writers to Use

1. Jenni AI Academic Writer

Jenni AI Academic Writer is one of the outstanding AI-driven content generators. It offers a diverse range of short and long-form writing templates to help you enhance your academic endeavors. Furthermore, it is best for those embarking on the creation of a research paper, crafting and formulating insightful essay papers, engaging blog posts, constructing articulate paragraphs, thesis writing, and more. Additionally, this AI essay generator is equipped to assist you in elevating the quality of your content, as it has the capability to span various writing formats. Also, Jenni serves as a valuable tool to facilitate and refine your writing process, ensuring a heightened level of proficiency across different academic tasks.

Best AI Writer Jenni


◆ Academic content generator.

◆ Plagiarism checker.

◆ Document importation.

◆ Free 200 AI words per day.

Usage: Thesis and essay writing.


  • It generates content faster.
  • It allows you to upload documents.
  • It lets you generate 200 AI words for free.


  • It needs assistance for additional proofreading and editing.
  • It is limited to academics.

2. NeuroFlash

Next is a free AI writing generator. It's a free app that can help you create awesome marketing content in lots of different languages, without much effort. Basically, they came up with a really smart way to make it easy for anyone to write great content using their special app. It's pretty cool! Unlike ChatGPT which requires long conversations to produce a decent article, NeuroFlash makes it easier to give proper prompts and offers good results. Meanwhile, NeuroFlash embarked on a pioneering journey, laying the foundation for a scalable approach through the development of its proprietary content-writing application. Moreover, this generator offers a collection of over 90 long and short-form AI text templates. Additionally, it presents innovative solutions that streamline the blog post creation process with a mere three clicks, making sophisticated content creation more affordable and efficient than ever before.

Best AI Writer Neuro


◆ Text and image generator.

◆ AI tester.

◆ More than 90 AI text types.

◆ SEO analyzer.

Usage: Blog posts and essay writing.


  • It lets you access 90 tools.
  • It offers API access.
  • It allows you to generate images.
  • It generates up to 2000 words per month.


  • It is not entirely free.
  • Its paid version is pricey.
  • Its AI text versions are limited.

3. QuillBot

If you can’t get enough of an AI text generator online for free, try QuillBot. The following AI content generator is an advanced AI-driven writing tool that generates personalized, high-quality content swiftly. Furthermore, QuillBot streamlines the writing process, providing an efficient solution for users to create engaging material in minutes. This is due to its sophisticated content generation algorithm and automation capabilities. Additionally, it proves to be a versatile and indispensable resource with a useful paraphrase tool, summarizer, plagiarism checker, and more, whether for professional use.

Best AI Writer Quillbot


◆ Seven various content modification modes.

◆ Smart thesaurus.

◆ Plagiarism and grammar checker.

Usage: Summarization and citation.


  • You can have it as a browser extension.
  • It lets you have a multifunctional free AI writer.
  • This AI writing tool ensures originality.


  • Its free plan provides limited words.
  • There are reports of glitches.

4. ContentBot.ai

When trying to search for a writer for content marketers, ContentBot.ai takes the lead. This AI chatbot offers versatility for both short-form and long-form copy. Moreover, it excels in AI content generation, content automation through flow builders, and importing. The introduction of their latest tool, "PDF Chat," enables you to upload a file and inquire about it using AI. Additionally, ContentBot features a user-friendly drag-and-drop blog post builder, empowering you to effortlessly create top-notch blog posts by manipulating content blocks within the editor.

Best AI Writer Content Bot


◆ Complex flow creator.

◆ PDF chat.

◆ WordPress plugin.

◆ Drag and drop content importer.

Usage: Marketing and blog content writing.


  • It lets you access it for free.
  • It lets you generate 7500 free words.
  • It comes with powerful features.


  • Its free version has limited credits.
  • It has a more complex interface than the previous ones.

5. Koala AI Writer

If you want another great AI paragraph generator, consider exploring Koala AI. It is an excellent content generation tool available for complimentary use. Koala AI has proven invaluable for content creators globally. It facilitates the enhancement of writing proficiency and the production of top-notch, SEO-optimized articles. Thus, you can refine your content creation abilities and craft compelling pieces that resonate with audiences while bolstering your online visibility through SEO strategies.

Best AI Writer Koala


◆ GPT-4 and GPT -3.5 outputs.

◆ SEO optimization.

◆ Easier content generator.

◆ Amazon affiliation.

Usage: SEO writing.


  • It lets you publish your optimized outputs.
  • It lets you use real-time data search.
  • With multiple voice tone changes.


  • This AI content writer is not always free to use.
  • It occasionally repeats its response.

6. Copy.ai

Lastly, here’s a cutting-edge writing assistant powered by AI, the Copy.ai. This tool specializes in providing copywriting solutions for various purposes. These include eCommerce and blogs. Furthermore, Copy.ai empowers you to enhance your creativity and streamline the content writing process. Also, it offers affordable AI content-writing services, featuring over 100 AI tools, including the AI writer, a one-click solution for generating articles. With a user-friendly free plan, even those with limited content writing experience can quickly and effortlessly create copies using this advanced technology.

Best AI Writer Copy


◆ Over 100 AI tools are available.

◆ Quick marketing copy generator.

◆ Numerous copywriting templates.

Usage: Marketing, creative writing, and content creation.


  • It generates text earlier.
  • It gives no limit to generating texts.
  • It provides free content creation.


  • Its AI writing assistant generator is not interactive.
  • It comes with limited free content credits.

Part 3. Tips When Using AI to Generate Content

Utilizing a content generator is nice, but using it responsibly and effectively is important. That said, here are some tips when using AI to generate text.

◆ Know the strengths and limitations of the AI tool.

◆ Give clear and detailed instructions.

◆ Edit and review your outputs.

◆ Please avoid copying or plagiarism.

◆ Always combine AI with human expertise.

◆ Provide citations.

Part 4. FAQs About AI Writers

Is there an AI that writes emails for you free?

Yes, AI tools offer free versions for writing emails, and among them are listed in this article.

Is there a completely free AI writer?

Indeed, there are available AI writing tools available for free use. But you need to be knowledgeable in choosing one among the thousand tools on the web.

Does Google allow AI writing?

Yes, Google allows AI writing with features like Smart Compose in Gmail. However, if you will use it or any of the AI writing tools in the market, you must be well informed about the plagiarism act.


To conclude, the landscape of AI writers and text generators has continued to evolve. The listed tools above offer powerful tools to enhance creativity and productivity. Furthermore, their diverse capabilities provide a range of options, from content creation to language refinement. As you explore these tools, it becomes evident that AI is becoming an indispensable ally. Thus, continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in textual composition.

Aria DavisFeb 19, 2024


Rating: 4.9 / 5 (based on 393 votes)